Success @ Greenbuild 2023

Key members of the Lignor team (Graeme Black, Jim Lake and Duncan Mayes) recently presented the exciting next generation mass timber product and technology CLST® at this year’s Greenbuild+IWBC conference in Washington DC.

Our products received a lot of interest and excitement from a variety of architects, builders, offsiters, developers and public sector representatives.

The hybrid product combining pine on the outside with the Lignor CLST(R) core created a real buzz.

Overall the event was a great success and the overwhelming feedback clarified that the Lignor technology has a great potential to drive the next stage of the mass timber growth in North America ensuring value conversion of pulp wood to long term carbon storage building products.

Lignor Greenbuild 2023 Team

Pictured: Jim Lake | Duncan Mayes | Graeme Black

By |2023-10-13T21:37:50+11:002023-10-07|

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